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OxygenBasic is the best replacement for Power basic

Started by Chris Chancellor, April 28, 2018, 08:27:31 PM

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Chris Chancellor

After spending a year at Oxygenbasic forum,  i believe that OxygenBasic O2  would be the best
replacement  to Power basic PB , because of the following reasons :

1.  O2 can compile to 64bits native codes unlike PB which is dead at 32bits

2.    O2 is very flexible ,  it can take in C format and headers  (but  minus the confusing curly brackets)

3.  O2 compiles to very tiny native exe and dll files similar to PB

4.  O2 syntax is more basic like than Purebasic

5.  O2 allows for inline assembly code -- this is an excellent vehicle to port codes from PB to O2
      It provide almost a seamless transistion from PB to O2

what do you think?

it would be best that you join us at the O2 forum      http://www.oxygenbasic.org/forum/index.php

Patrice Terrier

Quotewhat do you think?

Did you think on the long term?

If i was still a young programmer i would not waste my time on a compiler based on the work of a single man (ZALE syndrom).
However if you are retired, or programming for hobby, this is of course totaly different and you can just follow you inclination because that would have no impact on your business work ;)
Patrice Terrier
GDImage (advanced graphic addon)

Chris Chancellor

Thanxx Patrice

i will speak with my boss tomorrow after having unfairly being banned from O2 forum yesterday for asking too
many questions. it is so ludicrous. we will discuss the way forward  with other stake holders in my company

anyway, O2 is still a very viable alternative to a dead PB.  maybe we will try out C++ which is quite a tough
language to master.

we are absolutely fascinated with Charles Pegge's  abilities in developing this O2 compiler. Kudos to him.

Charles Pegge

Hi Chris,

I have now removed the ban, which was made against my expressed wishes. You are welcome to field your enquiries here, if there is any more trouble.

I think O2 will take you in the right direction should you ever need to swallow the VisualStudio pill.

Mike Lobanovsky

Stop whining, Chris, you got what you deserved. You broke almost every rule in the community while asking your "too many questions". It was your careless and unintelligent behavior and your daredevil attack on the site owner that brought you where you are.

When in Rome, do as the Romans do.
(3.6GHz Intel Core i5 w/ 16GB RAM, 2 x GTX 650Ti w/ 2GB VRAM, Windows 7 Ultimate Sp1)

Chris Chancellor

Thanxx a lot Charles

i only thought that John was playing a prank or joke with me with that headstone threat.

as he seems to be a joker in other forums, mocking others with funny satire, belittle  and remarks such as in the
PB forum where he himself was banned twice  ( the second time was that he had infuriated the new owners of PB inc.)
  ......  so i just  attempt to joke with him on the police report and he took it so seriously ..... :)

so sorry to you John Spikowski,  please accept my apologies  i thought you were joking on me and it was my joke that had
upset you  so much.