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SED Editor 2.03

Started by José Roca, June 17, 2011, 02:17:20 AM

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José Roca

How? You will have to loook in the code of the Scintilla control.

Zlatko Vid

this must be some kind of craft
i found here typical tab selection only

' // Tab control selection changed
               IF @pnmhdr.idFrom = %IDC_TABMDI THEN
                  ' // Identify the selected tab
                  nTab = TabCtrl_GetCurSel(pSed.hTabMdi)
                  ' // Activate the associated edit control
                  IF pSed.TabFilePaths.Count => nTab + 1 THEN
'                     vPath = pSed.TabFilePaths.Item(nTab + 1)
                     pTabFilePaths = pSed.TabFilePaths
                     vPath = pTabFilePaths.Item(nTab + 1)
                  END IF
               END IF

Zlatko Vid

I have saved each file path very similar like you made it in CSED
in my case each tab have array index same as tab
and that part work well but when i try to
store each line position in array i get always position 1
so focus is returned to line 1

sorry Jose i don't want to bothering you with all this
probably i am doing something wrong all the time .

Zlatko Vid

I re - check again each step and found that i miss to setFocus on scintilla control
seems to me that now my way with array which hold line position work

José Roca

I don't understand why you like to complicate your life so much. The only thing that you need to do is to use SetFocus <handle of the Scintilla control>.

Zlatko Vid

I don't complicate at all...my code editor is really simple
setFous hsci was in my case on wrong place so that is why not work properly