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CSED for FreeBasic ( Multi-language English ; French ; Spanish) and more

Started by Marc Pons, December 16, 2012, 05:04:32 PM

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Marc Pons

Info removed by Marc POns

Marc Pons

Csed version for FreeBasic ,  multi-language :

and prototyped only : German and Portuguese

no more attachment ,  very few members were interrested in.

new link to get it!


Marc Pons

New version available , some minor bugs corrected and few improvments !

same link

Marc Pons

I new version
     better color/case management
     new SciLexer.dll ( vb lexer modified ) to highlight labels and commentblocks
    Separate  keywords highlight  Freebasic Keywords    /    Win32API keywords
     5 User Keywords list  using :
                    user1 keywords 
                    user2 keywords 
                    user3 keywords     
                    user4 keywords
                    user5 keywords 

     more options in the context menu : as direct find in file (gotcha) and code block insertion ...

the new scilexer.dll can also directly be used by CSED for powerbasic  ( label highlight).
and the different keyword lists can be adressed without problem from    0 to 6 keyword list

can be downloaded with the same link above.

Marc Pons

New evolution: 1.6.2 same link :

including : Project Management via Lynx freeware Tool coming from the PowerBasic Community. see http://www.zippety.net/
the tool is modified/simplified to work with FreeBasic.

It can access to the files of the project , the variables, the defines , the declarations, the functions/subs , the type, the enums, the select case ... all according your options .

It can import the FbEdit projects files (.fbp), with their main options.
you can also direct compile with Lynx ....

I took into consideration the remarks on comment blocks , it is now an option in the editor options panel to have them same color as comments, but still italic hard coded to not add more parameters maintaining some difference with normal comments (which are different ), or not ( gray , different levels)

the bugs on formatting entire file have been corrected... as i could check

another option: to split or not the variables when formatting also in the editor options panel

Gary Beene

Hi Marc!
I recently wrote a mod to CSED, integrating Project features. The online Help/discussion page is here:

I've not followed the work you've done, but would like to understand more about what you've added that was/is not in the standard CSED version.  Other than just downloading your version and looking it over, I wondered if you've documented just the changes that you've made to CSED?

Any guidance you can offer would be appreciated.

Marc Pons

hi Gary,

the modifications I've done in the CSED for PowerBasic
- Translated to French Csed and external Tools,
- added 5 new buttons in tool bar  : Comment/Uncomment ; Indent/Unindent & new Format global code,
- Some modification on Indent/ unindent actions to act without any selection ( the line with the caret)
- new format file code procedure ( adapted from Do format in this forum)
- Highlighted Keywords PB and Win32 ( based on Win32 keys)
- context help for PB and Win32
- more options on help menu
- modification on shell external tools (taking care of drive/folder)

And for FreeBasic  , from the same basis  : Adapted/simplified to Freebasic but multi-language
some adjustments
          to show better procs Subs/funct ...
          to access directly to the active code file folder
          more integration  of message-box tool and gotcha tool
new SciLexer.dll (VBLexer modified )
           7 lists of Keywords Win32 API; FreeBasic + 5 user lists 
           + more adjustments fore better highlight : labels , preprocessor , multi line-comments ...
modification/simplification of lynx to use it from CSED_FB in freeBasic context

I've seen your adaptation for project management and direct access to procs, but for me it is more convenient to use Lynx , it gives better and more complete features on project management.
I simply use the version adapted by Jose & Eros , got somewhere in this forum , with CSED for PowerBasic

Gary Beene

Thanks for the response.  I'll download your revisions, with Lynx, and take a look.  I've not used it before.

Marc Pons

New evolution: same link : (corrected)

removed bugs :
on color options
on selecting all
formatting code

new feature : history of actions

if in compiler options you decide not display compiler results :
no window if no error , but the history shows compile/link ok !

Peter Weis

Marc Pons

New evolution, same link


some bugs corrected on the reformat code function and few other...

For the one interested Freebasic is now releasing an x64 version ( windows, linux)


Marc Pons

New version :

Same link : http://www.freebasic-portal.de/downloads/ides-fuer-freebasic/csedfb-multi-language-windows-ide-for-freebasic-259.html

Some new keywords to simplify the life when compiling
new toolbar button/menu  Compile to lib
more settings for compilation options
check if gui option allowed(checking  sleep)

see the extra features on .Chm file

some bugs fixed...

Marc Pons

New version :

Same link : http://www.freebasic-portal.de/downloads/ides-fuer-freebasic/csedfb-multi-language-windows-ide-for-freebasic-259.html

introducing    _:[CSED_xxx]:        keyword format  ,
                       replacing the #define Compile...  keywords (but still working)

options to generate optimized / cleaned source code

    To update existing installation :
          Replace the 3 existing files by the updated
             - CSED_FB.chm   this file
             - CSED_FB.exe   the executable file
             - SciLexer.dll       the adapted  lexer  file
     For new installation copy the entire content structure of Rar file where you want.

see the extra features on .Chm file

some bugs fixed...