Bridgen wrote: "As one consultant cardiologist said to me this is the biggest crime against humanity since the holocaust."
QuoteMr Bridgen is what an MP should be . Honourable and courageous. Shame on the rest of them.
QuoteWhile his voice is single he has been heard, but more importantly.. listened to. Thousands and hopefully millions of people in the near future, will hopefully find this upload on your channel, Dr. John. Thank you for sharing this and for your continuous work in getting the truth out into the public domain.
QuoteMr Bridgen is an absolute hero. A pleasure to listen to him and support him. I'd vote for him if I could. And I applaud an excellent speech. The costs outlined are devastating. Love the comment "if the vaccines were free we still could not afford them".
Thank you Dr John for the truth. I am a retired RN in the US. From the beginning I suspected lab leak. I am so glad the truth is coming out however late it is. Doesn't matter which side one is on politically, the public just wants the truth.
take my hat off to you Dr Campbell and admit that early on (when you were still a trusting, naive soul) I did leave some pretty scathing comments on your channel. However, you gradually came to see the light and rather from shrinking from it as so many did, you pushed through to become a beacon of light for others. I can't express how grateful I am for people like you - and how much I admire you for your quiet determination to uncover the truth. We have all been scathed by the lies and deception and our trust in so many things - science, medicine, religion, main stream media, police and politions - absolutely shattered. Perhaps this is a good thing, but so many are still struggling to see it and prefer the darkness. Please keep up your good work.
Sub SetFps(sys frame)
QueryPerformanceFrequency sys_freq
sys_Interval = sys_freq/frame
While (1)
QueryPerformanceCounter sys_ct2
iF sys_ct2 >= sys_ct1 + sys_interval
QueryPerformanceCounter sys_ct1
Exit Sub
End iF
End Sub
' pong game in o2
$ filename "Pong.exe"
include "rtl32.inc"
include "..\demos\!ProjA\GdiWindow\Window.inc"
Window "Pong in o2 by Peter Wirbelauer",320, 240, 1
SetFPS 10
int x = 50
int y = 50
int x2 = 130
int y2 = 160
int pspeed = 3
int xadj = 1
int yadj = 1
int delay = 1
int score = 0
string haha = "wav/haha.wav"
string pong = "wav/pong.wav"
WHILE Key(27) = 0
ClsColor (200, 200, 247)
Circle (x, y, 8, 0, 0, 255)
FillBox (x2, y2, 30, 4, 255, 255, 255)
Box (20, 20, 280, 160, 4,255, 255, 0)
Text (10, 0, "SCORE:" & score, 255, 0, 0)
IF y <= 20
yadj = 1
PlayWav pong,0,1
IF y >= 180
yadj = -1
PlayWav pong,0,1
IF x >= 300
xadj = -1
PlayWav pong,0,1
IF x <= 20
xadj = 1
PlayWav pong,0,1
IF Key(37) AND x2 > 18 : x2 = x2 - pspeed : end if
IF Key(39) AND x2 < 270 : x2 = x2 + pspeed : end if
x = x + xadj
y = y + yadj
IF y > y2 - 7 AND y2 < y2 + 2 AND x < x2 + 30 AND x > x2
yadj = -1
score = score + 1
IF y > y2 + 10
'Text( sys x, y, string txt, sys r,g,b)
Text (100, 200, "GAME OVER!", 0, 160, 55)
Playwav haha,0,1
score = 0
x = 5
y = 5
x2 = 130
y2 = 150
SetFps 40
Page created in 0.092 seconds with 14 queries.