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OxygenBasic / Re: PLOT and DRAW with APi
Last post by Theo Gottwald - February 11, 2023, 08:09:24 PM
if you like speed, make these commands in ASM.
You so know know ASM?
Ask ChatGPT he can give you the ASM Code for all these commands.
I have tried, it works. Ok, it may need small corrections here and there  but generally its fine.

section .data

; Define the width and height of the image
width   db 100
height  db 100

; Define the starting x and y position of the line
x_start db 50
y_start db 50

; Define the angle and length of the line
angle   dd 3.14159265358979 / 4
length  dd 50

section .bss

; Reserve space for the image buffer
image_buffer resb width * height * 3

section .text

; The main function
global _start

    ; Load the angle and length into the x87 FPU
    fld angle
    fstp [sin_result]
    fld angle
    fstp [cos_result]

    ; Calculate the end position of the line
    mov eax, [length]
    fild eax
    fmul dword [sin_result]
    fistp [y_end]
    mov eax, [length]
    fild eax
    fmul dword [cos_result]
    fistp [x_end]

    ; Add the starting position to the end position to get the final end position
    add [x_end], [x_start]
    add [y_end], [y_start]

    ; Calculate the delta x and y
    mov eax, [x_end]
    sub eax, [x_start]
    mov [delta_x], eax
    mov eax, [y_end]
    sub eax, [y_start]
    mov [delta_y], eax

    ; Calculate the address of the starting pixel
    mov ebx, image_buffer
    add ebx, y_start * width * 3
    add ebx, x_start * 3

    ; Draw the line
    mov eax, [delta_x]
    mov edx, [delta_y]
    cmp eax, 0
    jge .x_positive
    neg eax
    cmp edx, 0

OxygenBasic / Re: Kick - o2 precompiler
Last post by Theo Gottwald - February 11, 2023, 08:00:13 PM
This looks like it should be added to the Compiler.
Unless you want to enhace it to a Preprocessor that will also make changes in the code.
General Discussion / Re: AI discussion on the FreeB...
Last post by Theo Gottwald - February 11, 2023, 07:56:57 PM
For private people using Search engines and Strange AI does not matter so much.
For companies it may have implications on Company secrets.

Lets say the Secretary, the Engeener and all others all use ChatGPT (which will be soon integrated in BING)
and let it solve problems for them. Now imagine someone can bring all this data together to find out what your company is doing.
So you need to know that these AI not only tell you the wisdom of the world, but also look behind you while doing so.
They also collect your data.

At BING People suspect that the amount of harddisk space for all the collected data will double all 6 Month.
SO this is the price of this sort of AI.

General Discussion / Re: Immunology of mRNA vaccine...
Last post by Theo Gottwald - February 11, 2023, 07:52:08 PM
@Charles, I can tell you more about this.

Bluetooth Signals in Fresh Graveyards Emitting Unknown MAC Addresses?

A friend of mine owns an older (Samsung?) "Notes1 Phone". With this phone you can set the Bluetooth settings to
"Show stations without name". He is a technician hired from large Car Companies, so he is not an technical nobody.

He told me that "85% of all vaccinated people my handphone can detect from them an MAC Adress".
He has tested it in many way. Now he actually even know who is in front of his door, because he made a list with the
MAC-Adresses from his bussines people around.

He told me that 85% of the people are now "branded" by these Companies.
I wonder most people just ignore it.
I did not test it myself.

General Discussion / Re: Bayesian Statistics Questi...
Last post by Charles Pegge - February 11, 2023, 04:05:50 PM
Assume we have a drug test that tests for cannabis use. Now, this test has a 90% True Positive rate, that is, 90% of the time, it will detect a cannabis user. It also has an 80% True Negative rate, that is, 80% of the time it will confirm that a person has NOT used Cannabis. Unfortunately, it also generates 20% False Positives. Given that 5% of all people tested are cannabis users, what is the probability that a person who tests positive for cannabis using this test is truly a cannabis user? I'll give you a hint to get started, the first branch of your tree should be the cannabis users.

A Simple Guide to Solving Bayes' Theorem Problems
OxygenBasic Examples / Re: How Structure OVERLAPPED?
Last post by Zlatko Vid - February 10, 2023, 08:11:49 AM
hi Piere

i have some mess with this using CreateProcess example
but now work

OxygenBasic Examples / Re: How Structure OVERLAPPED?
Last post by Pierre Bellisle - February 10, 2023, 08:07:19 AM
Also, if you prefer the simplified structure, I wrote a test to see if all was perfecto mundo in 32 and 64 bit.
So far, so good...

// KickSwitch -64 //-mem32 -32 -64 -run -dll (No Switch mean -mem32)
// KickEnd

uses Console
uses MinWin
uses Dialogs

%CREATE_NEW                     1
%CREATE_ALWAYS                  2
%OPEN_EXISTING                  3
%OPEN_ALWAYS                    4
%TRUNCATE_EXISTING              5
%FILE_FLAG_OVERLAPPED           0x40000000
%INFINITE                       0xFFFFFFFF
%ERROR_IO_PENDING               997
%FILE_BEGIN                     0
%FILE_CURRENT                   1
%FILE_END                       2

'struct OVERLAPPED{        // 32bit,   64bit
' sys internal             // 4 bytes, 8 bytes (dword pointer)
' sys internalhigh         // 4 bytes, 8 bytes (dword pointer)
' union{                   // 8 bytes, 8 bytes
'       struct{            // dummyStructName 8 bytes
'         dword offset     // 4 bytes, 4 bytes (dword)
'         dword offsetHigh // 4 bytes, 4 bytes (dword)
'       }
'       sys pointer        // 4 bytes, 8 bytes <- 4 bytes in 32bit but the 8 bytes union will pad it (void pointer)
' }                        //
' sys hevent               // 4 bytes, 8 bytes (handle)

struct OVERLAPPED{ 'simplified
  sys   Internal
  sys   InternalHigh
  dword Offset
  dword OffsetHigh
  sys   hEvent

SetConsoleTitle "overlapped structure"

long BitNess = sizeof(sys) * 8
printl "bitness             = " BitNess "bit"

dword WrittenCount = 0
string sFileName = "overlapped.txt"
string sFileData = "filedata"

overlapped overlapp
overlapp.offset = 8
'overlapp.hevent = CreateEvent(BYVAL 0, %FALSE, %FALSE, "") '"someEvent")

sys hFile = CreateFile(sFileName, %GENERIC_READ OR %GENERIC_WRITE, %FILE_SHARE_READ, 0,
   if WriteFile(hFile, sFileData, LEN(sFileData), @WrittenCount, @overlapp) = 0 'nzok
    GetOverlappedResult(hFile, @overlapp, @WrittenCount, %true) 'nzok
   printl "WrittenCount " str(WrittenCount)
end if
'WaitForSingleObject(overlapp.hevent, %INFINITE) '2000) '%INFINITE)

printl "check the file " chr(34) sFileName chr(34)
printl "any key to end"

OxygenBasic Examples / Re: How Structure OVERLAPPED?
Last post by Pierre Bellisle - February 10, 2023, 02:28:41 AM
Hi Zlatko,

This structure is quite interesting.
I came out with the following two examples.
Two definitions, depending on how you like it.
Once more, I'm impress by the beauty of o2, thank to Charles!

// KickSwitch -64 //-mem32 -32 -64 -run -dll (No Switch mean -mem32)
// KickEnd

// C++ typedef struct _OVERLAPPED {
// C++   ULONG_PTR Internal;
// C++   ULONG_PTR InternalHigh;
// C++   union {
// C++     struct {
// C++       DWORD Offset;
// C++       DWORD OffsetHigh;
// C++     PVOID Pointer;
// C++   HANDLE    hEvent;

struct OVERLAPPED{        // 32bit,   64bit
dword *internal          // 4 bytes, 8 bytes (dword pointer)
dword *internalhigh      // 4 bytes, 8 bytes (dword pointer)
union{                   // 8 bytes, 8 bytes
       struct{            // dummyStructName 8 bytes
         dword offset     // 4 bytes, 4 bytes (dword)
         dword offsetHigh // 4 bytes, 4 bytes (dword)
       void *pointer      // 4 bytes, 8 bytes <- 4 bytes in 32bit but the 8 bytes union will pad it (void pointer)
}                        //
sys hevent               // 4 bytes, 8 bytes (handle)

include once "D:\Dev\Oxygen\o2\inc\console.inc"

SetConsoleTitle "overlapped structure"

long BitNess = sizeof(sys) * 8

printl "in 32bit overlapped = 20 bytes"
printl "in 64bit overlapped = 32 bytes"

printl "overlapped size     = " sizeof(OVERLAPPED) " bytes"
printl "bitness             = " BitNess "bit"

overlapped ov
@ov.internal     = 10
printl "ov.internal     = " @ov.internal
@ov.internalhigh = 20
printl "ov.internalhigh = " @ov.internalhigh
@ov.pointer      = 30
printl "ov.pointer      = " @ov.pointer
ov.offset       = 31
printl "ov.offset       = " ov.offset
ov.offsetHigh   = 32
printl "ov.offsetHigh   = " ov.offsetHigh
ov.hevent       = 40
printl "ov.hevent       = " ov.hevent

printl "any key to end"


// KickSwitch -64 //-mem32 -32 -64 -run -dll (No Switch mean -mem32)
// KickEnd

// C++ typedef struct _OVERLAPPED {
// C++   ULONG_PTR Internal;
// C++   ULONG_PTR InternalHigh;
// C++   union {
// C++     struct {
// C++       DWORD Offset;
// C++       DWORD OffsetHigh;
// C++     PVOID Pointer;
// C++   HANDLE    hEvent;

struct OVERLAPPED{        // 32bit,   64bit
sys internal             // 4 bytes, 8 bytes (dword pointer)
sys internalhigh         // 4 bytes, 8 bytes (dword pointer)
union{                   // 8 bytes, 8 bytes
       struct{            // dummyStructName 8 bytes
         dword offset     // 4 bytes, 4 bytes (dword)
         dword offsetHigh // 4 bytes, 4 bytes (dword)
       sys pointer        // 4 bytes, 8 bytes <- 4 bytes in 32bit but the 8 bytes union will pad it (void pointer)
}                        //
sys hevent               // 4 bytes, 8 bytes (handle)

include once "D:\Dev\Oxygen\o2\inc\console.inc"

SetConsoleTitle "overlapped structure"

long BitNess = sizeof(sys) * 8

printl "in 32bit overlapped = 20 bytes"
printl "in 64bit overlapped = 32 bytes"

printl "overlapped size     = " sizeof(OVERLAPPED) " bytes"
printl "bitness             = " BitNess "bit"

overlapped ov
ov.internal     = 10
printl "ov.internal     = " ov.internal
ov.internalhigh = 20
printl "ov.internalhigh = " ov.internalhigh
ov.pointer      = 30
printl "ov.pointer      = " ov.pointer
ov.offset       = 31
printl "ov.offset       = " ov.offset
ov.offsetHigh   = 32
printl "ov.offsetHigh   = " ov.offsetHigh
ov.hevent       = 40
printl "ov.hevent       = " ov.hevent

printl "any key to end"

General Discussion / Explanation of Bayesian Statis...
Last post by Charles Pegge - February 09, 2023, 01:16:57 PM
An important concept in AI

Bayes' Theorem Problems, Definition and Examples

Understand Bayes Rule, Likelihood, Prior and Posterior

Posterior Probability: Definition + Example

Posterior Probability – Explanation – Calculation – Example