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GdipDeleteEffect problem

Started by James Klutho, January 07, 2012, 05:05:57 PM

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James Klutho

I have been trying out the GDI+ examples on this forum and can not get them to run.  I keep getting a "GdipDeleteEffect not found in GDIPLUS.dll"  error message.  I am using the version 2.05 of Jose's includes and my GDIPLUS.dll is version 5.2.6 dated in 2010.  Anyone have any ideas?

Patrice Terrier

GDIPLUS 1.0 is the only one you can redistribute, effects requires GDI+ 1.1

My own graphic librairie has built-in effects to perform the same (and more) without the redistribute restriction of GDI+ 1.1, and with plain procedural model API (no need to use extra classes).


Patrice Terrier
GDImage (advanced graphic addon)

James Klutho

Dubravko Tuckoric

Have tried to compile and run "CGDIP_DrawImage.BAS" example with no success. Also get a :"GdipDeleteEffect not found in GDIPLUS.dll"  error message. I suppose there is no extra effects in example.
In short - what to do to be able to compile and run Jose gdiplus object  ??

José Roca

You need GdiPlus 1.1, that comes with Vista/Widows 7. For some reason, M$ does not allow to redistribute version 1.1, so you can't use it in Windows XP.

Dubravko Tuckoric

Thanks Jose - it is my bad because I still have some XP computers.

José Roca

Looks like they want to kill XP by brute force, not allowing to use anything new with it. There was a time when they released updates for older OSEs whenever possible, but no longer. Don't know if it is because of technical problems or on purpose. Why they allowed to redistribute GDI+ 1.0, but aren't allowing to redistribute version 1.1?

Dubravko Tuckoric

Franch people would say:
Microsoft as des raisons que la raison ne connais pas  :)