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Discrepancies In IDL And And Usage Of Excel's Visible Property

Started by Frederick J. Harris, January 12, 2012, 10:37:45 PM

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Frederick J. Harris

The Excel dual interface ...

interface _Application : IDispatch

...contains a propget and propput method 'Visible' to either get or set the visibility of a running instance
of Excel.  Here is the IDL from OLEVIEW ...

[id(0x0000022e), propget, helpcontext(0x0001022e)] HRESULT Visible([in, lcid] long lcid, [out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* RHS);
[id(0x0000022e), propput, helpcontext(0x0001022e)] HRESULT Visible([in, lcid] long lcid, [in] VARIANT_BOOL RHS);

Note that the first parameter, that is, the LCID, isn't marked as optional in any way that I can see, and indeed, Jose's
typelib browser lists it like so...

PROPERTY GET Visible <558> ( _                       ' VTable offset = 1128
  BYVAL prm_lcid AS LONG _                           ' [in] lcid VT_I4 <Long>
) AS INTEGER                                         ' [retval][out] *RHS VT_BOOL <Integer>
' =====================================================================================
PROPERTY SET Visible <558> ( _                       ' VTable offset = 1132
  BYVAL prm_lcid AS LONG _                           ' [in] lcid VT_I4 <Long>
, BYVAL prm_RHS AS INTEGER _                         ' [in] RHS VT_BOOL <Integer>
)                                                    ' void
' =====================================================================================

However, using Jose's typelib browser or the PowerBASIC COM browser when configured to create ID Binding IDBIND
interfaces, the LCID doesn't show up...

MEMBER GET  Visible <558> () AS INTEGER
MEMBER LET  Visible <558> ()   ' Parameter Type AS INTEGER

Interface IDBind XL_Application 
  Member Get Visible <558> () As Integer
  Member Let Visible <558> (In RHS As Integer<1>)           
End Interface

Indeed, it can't be used as far as I can tell.  Over the years I've made countless calls on this method with PowerBASIC
and never used that 1st parameter.  I never even noticed it was there.  Just today while working with C++ code and doing
IDispatch::Invoke() calls I have been unable to get the call to work if I use two parameters to the propput method, the
first being the LCID and the second a boolean for setting the visibility.  It simply refuses to work and my HRESULT is
DISP_E_BADPARAMCOUNT or DISP_E_MEMBERNOTFOUND depending on various settings I'm using.  Can someone explain
to me what is going on here?  I don't understand it at all.  Now I fully understand that setting a property should just require
the single parameter being set, and I don't think the concept of true or false in binary is appreciably affected by a person's
language or nationality, but my typelib code I'm generating is coming up with those two parameters for the simple reason
that they are indeed in the TypeLib.

Dominic Mitchell

You should group by "type kind" in OLEVIEW and compare the results for Interfaces and Dispinterfaces.
The definitions of a few methods in some interfaces that are marked as dual are inconsistent.
Using direct interface calls with Excel, in my opinion, is not a good idea.
Dominic Mitchell
Phoenix Visual Designer