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Can't get my program debugged !

Started by Randall Glass, April 08, 2013, 09:25:00 AM

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Randall Glass

I have been trying to to debug this code.

        InSub% = 1
        MainZ% = 0
        UCWord$ = UCASE$(WordZ$(NextToLastWord))

        IF UCWord$ = "PUBLIC" THEN
            DeleteWord NextToLastWord
        END IF
        RESET SubTypeName$()
        EXIT SUB                   

It's like the laws of the universe has been changed.

The debugger says UCWord$ = "PUBLIC", but when it gets to the "IF", it jumps over the "deleteword NextToLastWord" to "RESET SubTypeName$()"

I even put in a MSGBOX and it said that UCWord$ equals public"

Am I living in some weird parallel uinverse ?

I tried the following and this works. It makes no sense!

        InSub% = 1
        MainZ% = 0
        UCWord$ =  "PUBLIC"      'UCASE$(WordZ$(NextToLastWord))

        IF UCWord$ = "PUBLIC" THEN
            DeleteWord NextToLastWord
        END IF
        RESET SubTypeName$()
        EXIT SUB                   

Anyone have any ideas ?

RadioTelephone Tutor : Get your FCC GROL License plus Radar Endorsement

Klaus Henn

try:  UCWord$ = TRIM$( UCASE$(WordZ$(NextToLastWord)))

Theo Gottwald

In such cases, its really a good idea, to trimm all spaces and make sure that the CASE of the strings is equal.
Otherwise thats a open "Padorras box" for errors.

Randall Glass

That seems to help.

I don't know what to think about PowerBasic.

Now pbwin.exe is crashing.

It's caused by "#DEBUG DISPLAY ON on the 2nd line".

It causes pbwin.exe to crash.

I commented it out and it stopped crashing.

It was not crashing before with "#DEBUG DISPLAY ON"

I have pbwin 9.05

Anyone else have problems with this ?

RadioTelephone Tutor : Get your FCC GROL License plus Radar Endorsement

Theo Gottwald

If you have a code, that crashes teh compiler, pack it in a zip and sent it to the support@powerbasic.com
Then i believe they will repair it to the next update/version.