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prospective stakeholders in O2

Started by Eduardo Jorge, June 20, 2018, 08:02:52 PM

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Eduardo Jorge

Charles, what do you expect from those interested in O2?
I have seen little application of those involved, I understand that most have their own course, but I think that more tests are expected with O2 to reach the Beta phase,.
I have a lot of doubts about O2, but they are amateurish doubts and I do not think it will fit in the current perspective.

Chris Chancellor

Charles should provide more code examples from simple applications to more difficult ones
so as to encourage many others to join this forum.

users would need  to do the basic baby steps first before they can start running. similar to Alpha --> Beta --> real compiler

Like Eduardo had said, there is a need to provide several subforums for beginners, medium users and then the power users, and these
would need a graduated approach.

Eduardo Jorge

examples already have enough, I can even assemble small things without problems.
the base of the arrays that I use the most is also well explained, "of course it is not very easy for a complete beginner"

what I really miss is a greater clarification on the scope and body of the O2 projects,
there are things that have to be put before the others to function, as the function that calls the others has to be the last one to function.
there are things that I tested that showed flaws but I do not know if it was my fault.

Eduardo Jorge

the fact is that anyone who benefits from O2 is not showing any commitment to test so that Charles has functionality parameters and can fix the errors to launch a beta,
I try to test things out of my knowledge, but the flaws that appear are probably my fault, for my unexpected programming

Charles Pegge

User feedback and examples are very important for the development of o2. I have a long-term interest in programming, and o2 is under continual test and development, but my perception of what BASIC is, and how it might evolve, is not going to be the same for all.

One idea I would like to pursue is tagging the examples so they can be selected and located  for graphics/maths/text/complexity-level/OOP etc.

Chris Chancellor

Hello Charles

Best to categorize them using Tags and make use of the free software called TextCrawler from


with this TextCrawler, we can easily categorize the code examples into various tags such as
graphics/maths/text/complexity-level/OOP .... files handling/others

For this forum too, you should create some sub forums to show how organize and structure
is O2.   just delete those defunctionaries and obsolete sub forums links like scriptbasic which serve no purpose
other than confusing new members.  it is a waste of storage space to keep these garbage posts

Zlatko Vid

Hey You two !
I really dont know what you wish to know about o2...
your signals are very confusing ..yes...
I am not expert and i dont know everything but programming in Oxygen is really
easy and streightforward...it is like in any other basic..
ok i have little bit more experience than you in o2 but i still need to learn
some things especialy when Charles made some strange changes ...
also i am working on new user guide and i am trying to be simple as I can..

Karen Zibowski

Hi Zlatko,

Perhaps you could help by posting some simple example codes in Oxygenbasic into this forum?
Your contribution will certainly take this forum to greater heights as more minds is better than a few here!!!

Brian Alvarez

I also would like to have those examples.  :)

Zlatko Vid

What about this one
:$ Filename "skeleton.exe" ' o2
include "RTL32.inc"
include "awinh.inc"
#lookahead 'auto declare funcs
INT win,wx=0,wy=0,ww=600,wh=400,wstyle = WS_MINMAXSIZE
INT button0,b0ID=100, lvControl,lvID=1000
STRING crlf = chr(13)  + chr(10)
'init draw
TextColor(win, RGB(200,0,0), RGB(220,190,150))
TextOn(win, 220, 200,"Hello World!")
TextOn(win, 220, 300,"Oxygen Basic PEOPLE!")

Wait()  'message loop
'func main
Function WndProc (sys hwnd,wmsg,wparam,lparam) as sys callback
CASE win
Select wmsg

               ' blit the memory DC buffer back to the window DC
                BitBlt(hDC, 0, 0, ww, wh, hdcMem, 0, 0, SRCCOPY)


End Select

RETURN Default

SUB InitDrawing
''get current size of window
'get window DC
hdcMem = CreateCompatibleDC(0)
hbmMem = CreateCompatibleBitmap(hdc, ww, wh)
oldBmp = SelectObject( hdcMem, hbmMem )
oldBrush = SelectObject(hdcMem, CreateSolidBrush( RGB(231,223,231)) )
oldPen = SelectObject(hdcMem, CreatePen(PS_SOLID,1,RGB(231,223,231)))
'fill rectangle memDC with brush color
FillRect ( hdcMem,rc, oldBrush)
SetTextColor( hDC,RGB(0,0,0))
SetBkColor( hDC, RGB(231,223,231))
'blit to memDC
BitBlt(hDCmem, 0, 0, ww, wh, hdc, 0, 0, SRCCOPY)

ReleaseDC( win, hdc)

SUB CleanUp

DeleteObject(SelectObject(hdcMem, oldBrush))
DeleteObject(SelectObject(hdcMem, oldPen))
DeleteObject(SelectObject(hdcMem, oldBmp))


SUB TextColor (wID as INT,byval frontColor as sys,byval  backColor as sys )
hdc = GetDC(wID)
SetTextColor( hDC, frontColor)
SetBkColor( hDC, backColor)
BitBlt(hDCmem, 0, 0, ww, wh, hdc, 0, 0, SRCCOPY)
ReleaseDC( wID, hdc)
SUB TextOn(wID as INT,tx as INT,ty as INT,byref txt as string)
hdc = GetDC(wID)
'draw text to screen DC
TextOut hdc,tx,ty,txt,LEN(txt)
'blit screen DC to memDC
BitBlt(hDCmem, 0, 0, ww, wh, hdc, 0, 0, SRCCOPY)
ReleaseDC( wID, hdc)

program require :
oxygen basic 041

Zlatko Vid

No respond ..ok
I really don't want to post here examples i already posted on my forum
so if someone is still interested create account and download what you wish.
( all is for 32bit so don't ask me about 64bit versions )

just look into Oxygen Basic forum!