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Any Good news regarding PB 64bit compiler?

Started by Chris Chancellor, August 24, 2019, 06:56:11 PM

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Chris Chancellor

Hello Brian

hows' going?  how's the progress of your PB 64bit compiler?

Brian Alvarez

 Hello Chris. If you like programming in SDK... consider it 99% complete. 

The work i am doing right now, is regarding stock code for automating some tasks like sorting parsing and stuff. I plan to keep adding features, i dont want to make it just a wrapper, but adding functionality not easily made in high level.

i have made fairly complex projects with it, and everything works fine. Im sure a big group of programmers will manage to find more issues than i have imy tests, but nothing that cant be fixed. :)

Chris Chancellor

Very good news, Brian  have you tried converting PB GRAPHICS statements and OPENGL stuff ?

OpenGL and graphics, XPRINT can be drawcards to your compiler

Brian Alvarez

No, but you will be able to.

PluriBASIC already supports all their syntaxes, but the stock code is missing. Anybody will be able to code it in and even share.

XPRINT syntax is supported as well. But the internal code is also missing. I think at some point it will be an interesting project
for everyone else.

Patrice Terrier

Quotehave you tried converting PB GRAPHICS statements and OPENGL stuff
PB's 24-bit GRAPHIC is totaly obsolete, 32-bit is a mandatory.
About OpenGL, the latest drivers and shader (using C syntax) are meant to work in 64-bit only (BTW, we added shadertoy animations in OR).
GLSL also requires the learning of C...

Learning the low level API rather than using the GRAPHIC proprietary syntax, would help for the sake of code portability :)
Patrice Terrier
GDImage (advanced graphic addon)

Brian Alvarez

 Hello Patrice. :) All that can be done. And portability will be no issue, you will later see what i mean.

Charles Pegge

We have some classical graphics adapted to OpenGl, primarily for making graphs and diagrams:




These could be useful for an XPRINT implementation.

Chris Chancellor

Patrice Terrier

QuoteThese could be useful for an XPRINT implementation.
XPRINT is proprietary, what about writing to a printer DC ;)
Patrice Terrier
GDImage (advanced graphic addon)

Brian Alvarez

 Sure, no problem. In the other thread i posted an example for a game, that writes directly to a Window DC.
Writinig to a printer DC should be no problem.

Charles Pegge

Our o2 Opengl framework uses GDI+ both for loading textures and producing image files.

Currently, the opengl buffer bits are transferred pixel by pixel into a gdi+ bitmap. Though I wonder if there is a more efficient way of making the transfer, bearing in mind that the red and blue colors of each pixel have to be swapped.

Sending GDI+ to a printer looks simple enough:

Patrice Terrier

From ObjReader, to print the OpenGL display...

// 05-22-2015
long SendToPrinter() {
    long nRet = 0;

    RECT rc = { 0 };
    GetWindowRect(gP.hMain, &rc);
    long Wdth = ((rc.right - rc.left) - 438) / 2 - 48;
    long Hght = ((rc.bottom - rc.top) - 314) / 2 - 52;
    long X = rc.left + Wdth;
    long Y = rc.top + Hght;
    HWND hTmp = CreateWindowEx(0, L"STATIC", $NULL, WS_POPUP, X, Y, 0, 0, gP.hMain, 0, gP.hInstance, NULL);

    // Setup the print common dialog
    PRINTDLG pd;
    pd.lStructSize = sizeof(pd);
    pd.hwndOwner = hTmp;
    pd.hDevMode = NULL;
    pd.hDevNames = NULL;
    pd.nFromPage = 0;
    pd.nToPage = 0;
    pd.nMinPage = 0;
    pd.nMaxPage = 0;
    pd.nCopies = 0;
    pd.hInstance = gP.hInstance;
    pd.lpfnSetupHook = NULL;
    pd.lpSetupTemplateName = NULL;
    pd.lpfnPrintHook = NULL;
    pd.lpPrintTemplateName = NULL;
    if (PrintDlg(&pd)) {

        long hSize = GetDeviceCaps(pd.hDC, HORZSIZE);
        long vSize = GetDeviceCaps(pd.hDC, VERTSIZE);
        long hRes = GetDeviceCaps(pd.hDC, HORZRES);
        long vRes = GetDeviceCaps(pd.hDC, VERTRES);

        WCHAR PathName[MAX_PATH] = { 0 };
        WCHAR FilName[MAX_PATH] = { 0 };
        zSplitN(zExeName(), &PathName[0], &FilName[0]);

        Add_Str(FilName, L"_output");
        DOCINFO dinfo;
        dinfo.cbSize = sizeof(dinfo);
        dinfo.lpszDocName = &FilName[0];
        dinfo.lpszOutput = NULL;
        // Detect printer orientation mode
        long Landscape = -1; if (vSize > hSize) { Landscape = 0; }
        // Compute the printing size
        long offsetX, offsetY;
        if (Landscape) {
            offsetX = 60; offsetY = 0;
        } else {
            offsetX = 15; offsetY = 60;

        LONG_PTR img = 0;
        GetClientRect(gP.hGL, &rc);

        // 07-17-2017 respect boundary alignment
        rc.right = (rc.right / 4) * 4;
        rc.bottom = (rc.bottom / 4) * 4;

        BYTE* buffer = new BYTE[rc.right * rc.bottom * 3];
        glPixelStorei(GL_PACK_ALIGNMENT, 1);
        glReadPixels(0, 0, rc.right, rc.bottom, GL_BGR, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, &buffer[0]);
        if (GdipCreateBitmapFromScan0(rc.right, rc.bottom, rc.right * 3, PixelFormat24bppRGB, &buffer[0], img) == 0) {

            if (img) {
                if (GdipImageRotateFlip(img, 6) == 0) {

                    HBITMAP hPrintBitmap = 0; long background = 0;
                    if (GdipCreateHBITMAPFromBitmap(img, hPrintBitmap, background) == 0) {
                        float rCoef = min((float)((hRes - (offsetX * 2)) / (float)rc.right), (float)((vRes - (offsetY * 2)) / (float)rc.bottom));
                        long fxSize = (long)(rc.right * rCoef);
                        long fySize = (long)(rc.bottom * rCoef);
                        long xTop = (hRes - fxSize) / 2 + offsetX;
                        long yTop = (vRes - fySize) / 2 + offsetY;

                        if (StartDoc(pd.hDC, &dinfo) > 0) {
                            if (StartPage(pd.hDC) > 0) {

                                // Paint the DIB bitmap
                                PrintBitmap(hPrintBitmap, pd.hDC, xTop, yTop, fxSize, fySize);
                                nRet = EndPage(pd.hDC);
                                if (nRet > 0) {
                                    nRet = -1;
                                } else {
                                    nRet = 0;

        delete[] buffer;
    return nRet;

See the attachment of my current Work In Progress, that 3D model should be completed soon.
I have to add some more stickers, extra ambient occlusion, lighting, and ground shadow...
Patrice Terrier
GDImage (advanced graphic addon)

Brian Alvarez

Patrice, do you have a PowerBASIC example that i can try to compile here?

Patrice Terrier


Here it is:

sub PrintBitmap(byval hPrintBitmap as dword, byval hDCprint as dword, byval xTop as long, byval yTop as long, byval fxSize as long, byval fySize as long)

    local bm as BITMAP
    local dcBitmap as dword
    dcBitmap = CreateCompatibleDC(%NULL)
    GetObject(hPrintBitmap, sizeof(bm), bm)

    local bi as BITMAPINFO
    bi.bmiHeader.biSize = sizeof(bi.bmiHeader)
    bi.bmiHeader.biWidth = bm.bmWidth
    bi.bmiHeader.biHeight = bm.bmHeight
    bi.bmiHeader.biPlanes = 1
    bi.bmiHeader.biBitCount = bm.bmBitsPixel
    bi.bmiHeader.biCompression = %BI_RGB

    '// Calculate space needed for the dib bits
    local nBufSize as long
    nBufSize = (bi.bmiHeader.biWidth + 1) * (bi.bmiHeader.biBitCount / 8)
    nBufSize = ((nBufSize + 3) / 4) * 4
    nBufSize *= bi.bmiHeader.biHeight

    local ghnd, gptr as dword
    ghnd = GlobalAlloc(%GMEM_MOVEABLE, nBufSize)
    gptr = GlobalLock(ghnd)

    local nDI as long
    nDI = GetDIBits(dcBitmap, hPrintBitmap, 0, bm.bmHeight, byval gptr, bi, %DIB_RGB_COLORS)

    '// Use this to print a full bitmap
    nDI = StretchDIBits(hDCprint, xTop, yTop, fxSize, fySize, 0, 0, bm.bmWidth, bm.bmHeight, BYVAL gptr, bi, %DIB_RGB_COLORS, %SRCCOPY)
end sub

function SendToPrinter() as long
    local nRet, Wdth, Hght, X, Y, hSize, vSize, hRes, vRes, Landscape as long
    local hTmp as dword
    local sFilName as string

    local rc as RECT
    GetWindowRect (gP.hMain, rc)
    Wdth = ((rc.nRight - rc.left) - 438) / 2 - 48
    Hght = ((rc.nBottom - rc.top) - 314) / 2 - 52
    X = rc.left + Wdth
    Y = rc.top + Hght
    hTmp = CreateWindowEx(0, "STATIC", "", %WS_POPUP, X, Y, 0, 0, gP.hMain, 0, gP.hinstance, byval %NULL)

    '// Setup the print common dialog
    local pd as PRINTDLGAPI
    pd.lStructSize = sizeof(pd)
    pd.hwndOwner = hTmp
    pd.hDevMode = 0
    pd.hDevNames = 0
    pd.nFromPage = 0
    pd.nToPage = 0
    pd.nMinPage = 0
    pd.nMaxPage = 0
    pd.nCopies = 0
    pd.hInstance = gP.hinstance
    pd.lpfnSetupHook = 0
    pd.lpPrintSetupTemplateName = 0
    pd.lpfnPrintHook = 0
    pd.lpPrintTemplateName = 0
    if (PrintDlg(pd)) then

        hSize = GetDeviceCaps(pd.hDC, %HORZSIZE)
        vSize = GetDeviceCaps(pd.hDC, %VERTSIZE)
        hRes  = GetDeviceCaps(pd.hDC, %HORZRES)
        vRes  = GetDeviceCaps(pd.hDC, %VERTRES)

        sFilName = EXE.Name$ + "_output"
        local dinfo as DOCINFO
        dinfo.cbSize = sizeof(dinfo)
        dinfo.lpszDocName = strptr(sFilName)
        dinfo.lpszOutput = 0
        '// Detect printer orientation mode
        Landscape = -1: if (vSize > hSize) then Landscape = 0
        '// Compute the printing size
        local offsetX, offsetY as long
        if (Landscape) then
            offsetX = 60: offsetY = 0
            offsetX = 15: offsetY = 60
        end if

        local img as dword
        GetClientRect(gP.hGL, rc)
        dim buffer(rc.nRight * rc.nBottom * 3) as byte
        glPixelStorei(GL_PACK_ALIGNMENT, 1)
        glReadPixels(0, 0, rc.nRight, rc.nBottom, GL_BGR, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, byval varptr(buffer(0)))
        if (GdipCreateBitmapFromScan0(rc.nRight, rc.nBottom, rc.nRight * 3, %PixelFormat24bppRGB, buffer(0), img) = 0) then
            if (img) then
                if (GdipImageRotateFlip(img, 6) = 0) then

                    local hPrintBitmap as dword
                    local background as long
                    if (GdipCreateHBITMAPFromBitmap(img, hPrintBitmap, background) = 0) then
                        local rCoef as single
                        rCoef = min((hRes - (offsetX * 2)) / rc.nRight, (vRes - (offsetY * 2)) / rc.nBottom)
                        local fxSize, fySize, xTop, yTop as long
                        fxSize = (rc.nRight * rCoef)
                        fySize = (rc.nBottom * rCoef)
                        xTop = (hRes - fxSize) \ 2 + offsetX
                        yTop = (vRes - fySize) \ 2 + offsetY

                        if (StartDoc(pd.hDC, dinfo) > 0) then
                            if (StartPage(pd.hDC) > 0) then

                                '// Paint the DIB bitmap
                                PrintBitmap(hPrintBitmap, pd.hDC, xTop, yTop, fxSize, fySize)

                                if (EndPage(pd.hDC) > 0) then
                                    nRet = -1
                                end if

                            end if
                        end if
                    end if
                end if
            end if
        end if
    end if
    function = nRet
end function

The complete source code of the PowerBASIC version (discontinued since may 2016) is available on my private forum there:
in the section named "Post Your Questions & Comments Here".

Patrice Terrier
GDImage (advanced graphic addon)

Charles Pegge

Many thanks for your code, Patrice. That will be very useful, and easily ported to o2.

Regarding your fine collection of vehicles, I suspect that 90% of the effort goes into the final 10% of each project, as in many works of art.