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arguments to co2.exe

Started by Pierre Bellisle, October 28, 2022, 07:37:44 AM

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Pierre Bellisle

Hey Charles!

A question for you if you have a minute or two to spare...

My Precompiler send the following:
D:\Dev\Oxygen\o2\co2.exe -32-m "D:\Dev\Oxygen\o2\demos\WinDynDialogs\TabControl.o2bas" "D:\Dev\Oxygen\o2\demos\WinDynDialogs\TabControl.exe" "D:\Dev\Oxygen\o2\~code\Default.res"

I got a O2H messahebox saying [File not found: default.res] but co2.txt say [Okay].

If I copy [default.res] in [D:\Dev\Oxygen\o2\demos\WinDynDialogs\] then all goes well.

Q1) Is it normal to have a messagebox with the [-m] switch ?
Q2) For a .res resource file, is it mandatory to have it in the .02bas folder ? 

Thank you,

Roland Stowasser

Hi Pierre,

in WinDynDialog's input box, I started a command window:

In the cmd window I entered (for my system) this command:
d:\OxygenBasic\co2.exe TabControl.o2bas
This opens the app in jit mode.

these commands at the prompt:

D:\OxygenBasic\demos\WinDynDialogs>d:\OxygenBasic\co2.exe -32 -m TabControl.o2bas TabControl.exe


will create the exe file and it then can be started.

There is no .res file in this folder directly. It must first be created from a rc file.


Pierre Bellisle

Hi Roland.

In fact, I have no problem compiling with or without a resource file.
My problem is more when a resource is not in the .o2bas folder.
You can see my command line above...
I'm not sure about Charles intention on Q1 and Q2...

Thank you for your interest.

Charles Pegge

Hi Pierre,

The -m switch should switch off the message box

The directory-path for res files currently gets stripped off the file-name. I will fix that on the next release.

Pierre Bellisle

Hi Charles,

Many thanks for the future stripped path adjustement.

For the -m switch, I did put the exact same text from my precompiler as seen above to a .bat file and I still have an o2 message box.
Try this...


D:\Dev\Oxygen\o2\co2.exe -32-m "D:\Dev\Oxygen\o2\demos\WinDynDialogs\TabControl.o2bas" "D:\Dev\Oxygen\o2\demos\WinDynDialogs\TabControl.exe" "D:\Dev\Oxygen\o2\~code\~~~Resource.res"


Charles Pegge

Yes, I see that this error message is emitted directly from reso.inc, instead of being added to the error buffer.

It will be fixed on the next update.

Pierre Bellisle

Great !
Many thanks Charles...   ~:-]

Pierre Bellisle

Just tested 50P13,
FullFileName works fine, MessageBox no more.


Pierre Bellisle

Hi Charles,
I found another error o2 message box while using the -m silent switch.

It came when I did a typo, see next line... 
function DlgProc( sys hDlg, uint uMsg, sys wParam, lParam ) as Typo CALLBACK

Note also the negative column number.


Charles Pegge

Hi Pierre,

I found the -m switch worked okay with this error: the message was routed to the console. Perhaps something wrong in the command line?

Pierre Bellisle


Very sorry about this, you are right!
I had a bug in my precompiler and did not test enough.

Regard, Pierre